How Long Has Numerology Been Around

2021-11-10 by


Numerologists believe that the unique properties of numbers 1 through 9 are the result of their inherent vibration. Chaldean Numerology is closer to Astrology because it originated in Mesopotamia which was also the birthplace for Western Astrology. Chaldean Numerology’s basis is that each letter has its own vibration and is assigned a number between 1 and 8. If you have any issues about where and how to use numerology calculator, you can get in touch with us at the web site. This number is determined by its energetic quality.

People are more likely to recall the numerical attributes that pertain to them and ignore those that don’t. These traits were more related to intuition and mysticism rather than science or math. For example, odd numbers were masculine, and even numbers were feminine. The number one was creative, since the addition of multiple ones can create any other number. As the sum of two and three, five represented marriage, and since it fell exactly in the middle of the numbers one through nine, it also represented justice.

Other new-age practitioners use the term vibration to describe beliefs in the power of items like crystals, gemstones, colors and essential oils. There are master numbers (11, 22, 33) that show up in life path numbers. But we’ll get to those later. In other words, numerology, like astrology, is based on an invented system that people developed to better organize the objects around them. But the biggest criticism of numerology is that it’s based on an invented system of counting. This system was created to allow people to count objects in groups ten. This is probably because most people have ten fingers to count. “Eleven” stands for “one left”, and “twelve,” is an abbreviation for “two left.”

Translating names to numbers

Numerologists usually focus on people’s names and use a simple chart to convert names into numbers. Numerology systems use different charts. An easy one starts with “a” equaling 1, and “b” equaling 2. Modern numerologists, unlike the Pythagoreans apply numbers to people and intangible concepts to them.

  • Chaldean Numerology has closer ties to Astrology, having originated in Mesopotamia, which was also the birthplace of Western Astrology.
  • For example, odd numbers were masculine, and even numbers were feminine.
  • Numbers like 1, 4 and 9 were square because a corresponding number of dots or pebbles could be arranged in a perfect square.
  • Some people notice the repeated appearances of a certain number in their daily lives, in historical records, or in religious texts such as the Bible.
  • Since the same number of pebbles made rectangles, two, six, and twelve were oblongs
  • The total for the name “Harry” is 34, “James” is 12, and “Potter” is 31, for a total of 77.

After the death of Pythagoras, interest in mathematical mysticism ebbed. L. Dow Balliett, a late 1800s author, published several books about number vibration, music, and colors. Kabbalic Numerology–which is often used to interpret names–originally derived from Hebrew mysticism, is an outgrowth of the Hebrew alphabet with its twenty-two vibrations.

So, What Kind Of Math Am I Doing?

Since the same number of pebbles made rectangles, two, six, and twelve were oblong. Numerology is, numerology calculator in its simplest form, the relationship between a number’s mystical nature and an individual’s. People often express excitement when they learn that a friend or acquaintance shares their birthday.

To learn more about the birthday paradox, check out The Birthday Problem from Wolfram Math World or our question of the day on the subject. Indigenous tribes in Australian, New Guinea, Africa and South America developed number systems that counted in pairs. These systems were not based on one, two or three, four, five, six or seven. Instead, they used one, two and two plus one. Two twos, three, four, five and six are more common.

Numerology Faq

The third most popular form in Numerology is the one developed by Pythagoras. He was a Greek mathematician, metaphysician and mathematician of the 6th Century B.C. Pythagoras is well-known for his formulation the Pythagorean Theorem. This calculates the hypotenuse in a right triangle and is a fundamental construct of modern geometry. According to the Pythagorean system numbers were assigned to letters of the Greek alphabet based upon their order in the sequence. Pythagorean Numerology uses both the name as well as the date of birth to determine the relationships between them. This is similar to the Chaldean method. The basic vibrations are 1 through 9, and the master vibrations are 11 and 22, which are never reduced to a single digit.

What does a 9 in numerology mean?

In numerology, the number nine represents completion, as it’s the last of the single-digit numbers (which are known as cardinal numbers in numerology) and the highest in value. That said, it symbolically represents a culmination of wisdom and experience, and buzzes with the energy of both endings and new beginnings.

Thirteenth century Kabbalists believed that the Old Testament was written in a secret code inspired by God. It also happens that twenty-two-base Numerology adds a significant dimension to the interpretation of the twenty-two Trump cards of the Tarot deck. For example, some practitioners say they see their numbers everywhere, and that this confirms that numerology is real. Critics also point out that people tend to forget about seeing other numbers, but remember their numbers. In other words, a person whose number is seven will remember seeing lots of sevens while disregarding all the sixes, eights and other numbers he encounters.

History Of Numerology

In the world of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger’s favorite subject is arithmancy. The novels don’t offer much detail, but they make it clear that arithmancy involves

The magical properties of numbers. It is believed to be one of the master numbers that can transform dreams into reality, no matter how impossible they may seem. The total for the name “Harry” is 34, “James” is 12, and “Potter” is 31, for a total of 77.

Who is the inventor of Chaldean Numerology

In the 1800s, an Irish mystician named William John Warner – better known as Cheiro – visited the Parsis in India and learned Chaldean Numerology. He wrote “Cheiro’s Book of Numbers”, which explains the basics of Chaldean Numerology.

In order to live a productive and harmonious life, people should make sure their environment vibrates in harmony with their own vibrations. This concept appears frequently in other new-age practices, some of which describe it as an affect of the movement of subatomic particles.

Each of these numbers and places has a special meaning, but the most important number in your portrait is your life path number. To calculate your life path number, add every single number of your birthday–day, month, and year of birth–into a single digit. This number is important as it describes the path that you must follow to achieve fulfillment in your life. The art of Numerology has existed since the ancient discovery of mathematics. Many cultures still attach special meanings to specific numbers and their positions in a sequence. The Chinese I Ching explains the differences between odd and even numbers, as we’ve seen.

Numerology has also been used to correlate the significance of numbers to an alphabet, giving each letter a numerical value. A well-known example is the Hebrew alphabet of twenty-two characters–the same as the number of trump cards in the Tarot deck. Because of the applicability of numbers to alphabets, numerologists are able to use words or names, in addition to numbers, to reveal divinatory meaning.

This is a reasonable idea, and it has had a big influence on science and mathematics. But according to another interpretation, “all is number” means that everything in the world is made of numbers and can be reduced to a numerical value. Most numerologists credit Pythagoras with founding the field of numerology.

Numerological analysis can determine a person’s lucky number or lucky day. Numerological analysis can reveal clues about the world’s workings or the significance of certain people and events. According to many numerologists, nothing happens by accident — everything happens because of numbers. Numerologists believe that everything in the world depends on the mystical properties and numbers.


What is the number 11 in numerology?

Moreover, quite like number 1, the number 11 is inspiring, artistic and spiritual. The natural impulse and the Numerology meaning of 11, is to try and understand the mystical and the meta. They are also known as the ‘Master of all men’ and ‘The Psychic Master.

This has led to the 23 Enigma and other beliefs that specific numbers are at the center of a pattern or conspiracy. Numerologists believe that the name a person gets at birth is more important than nicknames, marriage names, or other changed names. This practice is rooted in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew gematria. It is the practice of converting words into numbers for divination purposes. Gematria has been used to interpret the Torah, Bible, and other religious texts. They represent exceptional spiritual power and knowledge – something other numbers don’t contain. Different numerologists apply different attributes to numbers, but here’s a run-down of some of the most popular.


The sum of sequential odd integers, beginning with one, is a square number. LIFE PATH NUMBER Your life path; your identity and the core part of who you are. This system of numerology is still used to find the hidden meanings of life. Some even use it to trade the stock market. While the actual word numerology wasn’t recorded in English until 1907, numerological ideas have been around for centuries. Some of the earliest records of numerology appeared in ancient Egypt and Babylon along with China, Rome, Japan, and Greece.

What is numerology in Christianity?

Biblical numerology refers to the use of numbers in the Bible that convey a meaning beyond the actual numerical value. Numerological values in Scripture often refer to wider usages in the Ancient Near East.

In addition, some historians argue that the personality traits ascribed to him — like that he would not allow his followers to eat or even touch beans — are apocryphal. Despite all this talk of numbers and Pythagoras, numerology is fairly simple. Modern numerology uses natural, or fadic, addition to calculate numbers; this means that all values will be added until a single number is reached. For example, if the numbers of your birth date add up to 36, the next step is to add 3 and 6 together, for a total of 9. According to the theory, each number has its own vibration, which gives it certain properties.

Origins Of Numerology

In Chaldean Numerology, single digits reveal the outer nature of a person, while double digits describe inner qualities. Numerologists may use diagrams or charts to show the relationships between numbers and letters. Balliett and other modern numerologists believe that each number has a particular vibration.