What the Bible says about numerology

2022-01-03 by


Numbers in the Bible can often be taken literally, but they are sometimes used as symbols. Many scholars have used numerology to see patterns and codes in the Bible.

  • In this offering, the offerer is allowed to eat the meat of the offering.
  • Numerology, which is predictive in nature and falls under the category of divination, is condemned throughout the Bible.
  • Numerology attempts to explain the meaning of these numbers to see what God may be telling us by using them.
  • It is an indication of a living sacrifice and is a voluntary offering that brings a sweet smelling savor to God.
  • If you have been seeing number 5 consistently and are not quite sure what it means, then you’re in the right place.
  • Uncovering these patterns could reveal the hidden meaning behind the text.

Here is what the Bible really has to say about numerology. There’s a reason theologists and scientists devote their lives to studying them. Number 5 is an angel number, which is very important in numerology and the Bible. Ivan Panin became a believer after studying the numerical patterns found in nature. He converted to Christianity when he discovered the patterns.

You may be able find many verses that have numbers in them. Numerology attempts to explain the meaning of these numbers to see what God may be telling us by using them.

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It is an important number in Scripture and there are many symbolic mentions and events that attest to it. Find out the meaning of your life path number, expression number, soul urge number and more… The number 70 makes an appearance in Bible verses to signify human delegations and judgment. This number can also be used in numerology to signify new beginnings. Not only are chapters and passages divided by numbers, but repeating numbers show up throughout the book.

Jump to a section and begin unraveling the numbers in spiritual scriptures

Rather, divination and the like, which numerology falls under because it is predictive in nature, is repeatedly condemned throughout the Bible. Some believe biblical numerology is an occult practice and are therefore against God’s written Word.

Numerology is often dismissed by many believers today as occult practice or divination. There is only one place that may have some legitimate play in numerology, and that is the mark of the beast in Revelation. If numerology is being promoted as a valuable tool, you should trust God. You don’t need to use numbers to predict your future or decode secret meanings in Scripture.

The fact that God’s Word gives life to those who listen is the best evidence that God’s Word has been breathed out by God. Jesus emphasizes this point by saying that Peter should forgive 70 times seven. Where the number ten stands for human government, twelve symbolizes the divine one. Panin also found similar patterns present in the Hebrew and Greek Bible. He spent the rest of his life studying Bible numerics and continued to research them. Understanding the significance of the numbers found in the Bible can help you to understand the written Word.


Deepen your understanding of this sacred text by studying its numerical pattern. According to the Bible, God has gone to prepare a place for His people and it is in this place that every one that is of God will live for all eternity. As if that was not enough, the remaining loaves that left after the people had fed were still up to 11 baskets. This number is directly related to God’s grace and mercy and favor.

Yet, when we start looking for numerical patterns, the best anyone is doing is guessing. Many Christians are now using numerology to predict their own lives, or use it in an effort to decode the Bible.

As you may have noticed, number 5 is an incredibly significant number in the Bible with various symbolic events giving meaning to its essence. The most significant book about the day of the Lord is found in the Book of Revelations which is one of the 5 books of the apostle John. God brought grace in the form of Jesus Christ who came to die for the sins of men to ensure that we no longer struggled to do what is right in the sight of God. Man’s helplessness is the reason for God’s grace and favor.

Uncovering these patterns could reveal the hidden meaning behind the text. But this knowledge has fallen by the wayside with the rise of modern beliefs.

Panin believed that these patterns could only have been created by a Creator. It is an indication of a living sacrifice and is a voluntary offering that brings a sweet smelling savor to God. Did biblical numerology help you understand Bible verses better? If you believe that every word of the Bible is there by design, then that means God intended for you to study the numerical patterns. Some studies have shown that patterns are hidden in the words and numerology forecast phrases of the Bible as it is written in its original languages.

David was faced with Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, and he didn’t have military training. To make it even more difficult, David did not know how to fight with a sword and shield and decided to go into the fight with a catapult. Another symbolic use of

Number 5 was the story of David & Goliath in Old Testament.

These laws were abolished in the New Testament as God sorted out to ease the suffering of his people. This number can appear as a single digit or as a sequence of numbers.

This type of offering is the only kind that is made without the need to shed blood . Meat offering is not made from animal flesh, but fine flour. This offering was also made by Christ when he arrived on earth and reconciled mankind to God according to Hebrews chapter 2. This offering is also reflected in Jesus’ earthly ministry, when he died on the cross for the sins that were committed by mankind. Number 5 is the number of offerings God requires us make. These offerings were described in the first 5 chapters in the Book of Leviticus.

And each number and pattern is the basis of creation and life. The key to knowing exactly what God is trying to say to you is to remember the things in your life that constitute much of your thoughts. Your guardian angel may be trying to send you a message if you see number 5 in your dreams. This message can be in relation to your life, work, or relationships.

Man has no power of his own and cannot prosper except when God has willed it. This offering indicates total surrender to God and its sweet-smelling savor is pleasing.

The truth is numerologists can find whatever they want in the Bible. The Bible is a large book. Once someone starts adding up and subtracting numbers, they will be able to find different types of patterns. This is true for any book, such as a dictionary or an encyclopedia. If you look hard enough or tarot readings manipulate the numbers well, patterns can be constructed anywhere. At this point it really transforms form being a student of the Bible to being a conspiracy theorist.